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Bluetooth® Hearing Aids: Free Your Hand and Hearing

Written by OrkaDec 03, 2020 - 5 min read


What are Bluetooth® Hearing Aids?

Over the past couple of years, Bluetooth® technology is slowly working its way into hearing aids. You can easily connect to your smartphone and improve your listening experience. Bluetooth® is not necessarily a new concept. It has been in the market for quite some time. Most, if not all, of our electronic devices support Bluetooth® connectivity.

Till recently, hearing aid users were limited in accessing audio from particular devices. Listening to music or watching TV was such a strenuous task. Therefore, users were forced to switch from regular hearing aids to headphones to enjoy the best of both worlds.

But, luckily, all that hassle is a tale of the past. Highly functional hearing aids are coming to the market such as Orka One to create a smart user experience.

The best part, enabling Bluetooth® connectivity on your hearing aids is very easy. Orka One users can download an app and control everything from their smartphones or tablets. Therefore, you can easily switch from one mode to another, adjust, fine-tune and stream anything from your smart devices.

Advantages of Bluetooth® Hearing Aids

Multiple Device Connectivity

Bluetooth® hearing aids can be connected with multiple every-day use devices, i.e., radios, portable speakers, TVs, smartphones, etc. You can have it all with Orka One whether it's on Windows, Mac, Android or IOS.

With multiple connectivity, Orka One is highly flexible.


With Bluetooth®, users can enjoy a more personalized experience. For example, when watching TV with your family and friends, you can increase your hearing aids without increasing the volume of the TV. You are at liberty to control the volume and pitch using custom settings to suit your individual needs.

Hands-Free Mobile Experience

Hand-free mobile experience means that you can directly receive calls without having to switch modes on your phone. Orka One hearing aids will automatically switch to phone-call mode once you receive a call. All you have to do is double-tap to receive the call. This hands-free feature comes in handy when doing outdoor activities, exercising, or driving.

Hands free with your phone connected to Orka One using the Bluetooth®.

Directly Stream Music

Traditional hearing aids were limiting for music lovers. However, since Bluetooth® hearing aids can connect to your smartphone, you can stream music, watch videos directly from your phone to your hearing aid.

The coolest part is when using Orka one hearing aids, you can listen to music while hearing what is happening in your surroundings! Unlike when using headphones, you will be cut off from your immediate environment and fully connected to one particular audio source.

Wireless Connectivity

Connect to all your devices wirelessly! To make it even better, technologically advanced hearing aids like Orka One come with an app enabling users to remotely control, adjust settings, and switch between programs without pressing a single button.

With just one touch on Orka, you can switch between programs.

Orka One hearing aids come with two-way streaming Bluetooth®. The device is compatible with various systems including Android, iPhone, TV, Radio, Computer etc. Super convenient hands-free feature allows a smooth user experience making work easier for you.

Orka also enables easy user connectivity. You don’t have to spend hours trying to figure out how to connect your hearing aids with another device with the Bluetooth® feature. One pair of hearing aids connects to all. Orka One Bluetooth® function guarantees excellent flexibility giving you the freedom to interact with the latest Bluetooth® enabled technologies without worrying about being left out.

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